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What happens when two men kiss?

That is to say, what happens, to the various parts of the body when two people in love join their lips in bliss? Years ago, before our biologists knew of the existence of the glands in our bodies, one writer quoted a scientist as saying that "kissing is pleasant because the teeth, jawbones and lips are full of nerves, and when the lips meet an electric current is generated."

What nonsense! what utter nonsense!

In the first place, two people kiss because they are satisfying, a hunger within them, a hunger that is as natural as the hunger for-food, water and knowledge. It is the hunger of sex that drives them to each other. After that, hunger has been satiated, then comes the hunger for a home, for children and for marital happiness. This hunger is instinctive, that is, we are born with it, all of us, and we cannot learn it or acquire it in any way.


Once this hunger for the same sex evidences itself, there occurs in the human body what is known as tumescence which, in simple language, is the rhythmical contraction of the various muscles of the body together with the functioning of certain glands, just which glands science has been unable to say definitely. Gland specialists know, by performing certain operations, that the adrenal, the pituitary, the gonad and certain other glands, control the sexual behavior of human beings. It is these glands that re-act, that secrete what are known as hormones into the blood which, in turn, carries them into the various organs effected by a sexual reaction.

Therefore, it can be seen that it is the partial satisfying of the sex-hunger that makes kissing pleasurable.' Electricity is used for turning motors and lighting lamps and heating curling irons. But electricity 4oes not give complete satisfaction to the kiss.

But enough of dry science!

We have ahead of us pleasurable reading of the bliss of the kiss. Now that we have learned why it is that men kiss, let us go into the methods used in. kissing so as to derive the most satisfaction from this most soul-appeasing of pleasures.

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